Monday, May 14, 2007

Podee Hands-Free Bottle

could this feed andrew bottles milk on the drive? maybe he'd spit it out just as much as a pacifier?


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Podee Hands-Free Bottle

via Cool Tools on May 13, 2007


The Podee Hands-Free bottle feeder is basically a small tube that attaches to a regular bottle to make feeding a lot easier. It is a dream because the baby doesn't have to hold the heavy bottle and you don't have to lay them down and prop the bottle up. You can set the bottle next to the baby and put the nipple in their mouth like you would a pacifier and they do what comes naturally. Viola! Granted there is no substitute for holding a baby during a feeding, but that is not practical when driving down the road. This bottle saved me from having to go down the road in the passenger seat with my butt in the front window while I turned around to feed the baby in the backseat. I purchased mine at Toys 'R Us in Madison, WI in 1993, and it is still my favorite all-time gadget. Why didn't we think of this decades ago?

-- Becky Thompson

Podee Hands-Free Bottle
(includes bottle)
Available from Babies"R"Us

Manufactured by Podee International


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