Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Sent to you by David via Google Reader:


Some days it's all you can do to trudge out to your car because you know, you just KNOW traffic is going to completely suck. Maybe your commute is a breezy 20 minutes; maybe it's a soul-crushing hour and a half. Regardless, you can rest assured that almost everyone in Beijing has it worse.

See, China's had a 60-mile-long traffic jam for the last 11 days now. Now the good news is things are starting to improve: cars have started to move up to a half-mile a day recently. Which means someone stuck back around the 58 mile mark is only going to be about half a year late for work; and we're betting the boss is going to have a hard time believing that story.

Which kind of begs the question: who the hell is staying on this highway? Is there not an off-ramp? Are people getting on the road each day, realizing they made no progress, and driving home only to try again tomorrow? What sort of investment would it take to open a convenience store on this road?

You think being stuck in traffic flipping through commercials and "wacky" morning DJs is bad; try a week and a half straight of Crazy Zhang the Panda and the Beijing Zoo Crew (playing only the greatest hits of the People's Republic from the '70s, '80s, '90s, and today!).

So since we already know China wins and we're all playing for second place here, what's your worst traffic jam experience?



Things you can do from here:


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