Wednesday, June 9, 2010


did you already hear this one?


Sent to you by David via Google Reader:


The speed at which technology progresses and evolves is pretty intimidating. Consider that by the time I finish this sentence there will be a newer, better format in which to type it and 42 nerds will be screaming at me for being so outdated. And that's just us; we get paid to (kind of) keep up on this sort of thing. For every snarky copywriter too afraid to admit he has no idea how the thing he's making fun of actually works, there are two or three ladies like this:

We come here not to mock Lorraine: all she wants is for the Pac-Mansanity to stop so she can study. Instead, we give kudos to Brian, the most patient tech support rep in the entire world, for not berating or belittling her or wondering aloud how her online classes could possibly be progressing well when she can't figure out how to close a tab.

That said, what's your worst tech support experience? Were you on the Lorraine end or the Brian end? And did you handle it as well as they did?



Things you can do from here:


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