Friday, October 30, 2009

Vengeance? Karma? Bad luck? United loses the luggage of the “United Breaks G...


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via Upgrade: Travel Better by Mark Ashley on 10/30/09

You may remember Dave Carroll from music videos decrying the state of United Airlines customer service. But the airline keeps finding ways to inspire new songs:

After famously breaking his guitar, United Airlines has managed to cause further trouble for David Carroll by losing his luggage — just as the Canadian singer-songwriter was en route to deliver a speech about customer service.

You can't make this stuff up.

There have been two videos so far, both decrying United's baggage handling and subsequent customer service. Personally, I thought that Carroll's first video was his best. The second was okay, but felt like it was trying too hard, and didn't add much. Yes, the third video in the trilogy is basically writing itself now.

(Thanks for the heads-up, John!)


Things you can do from here:


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