Monday, February 2, 2009

Simple Crock Pot Recipes Save Time and Money [Cooking]

we put the "crock" in crockpot...


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Crock pot cooking is dead simple and has the capability of turning basic ingredients into delicious meals with little time actually spent in the kitchen. These simple five-ingredient recipes will help you get started.

Photo by baykes.

Trent at The Simple Dollar blog shares some crock pot recipes that share a common theme: they all have five ingredients, are made with basic and inexpensive cooking staples, and require very little prep time. Beyond adding the basic five ingredients, the only instructions for the recipes are:

Combine all of this into a crock pot. Add salt and pepper to taste. Turn it on low and walk away for eight hours. Add a quarter of a cup of water for every additional two hours you intend to cook it.

His pot roast recipe for instance—assuming you're a speedy vegetable chopper—could be prepped from the fridge to the counter to the crock pot in under five minutes. If you have some simple and tasty crock pot recipes of your own, share them in the comments below.


Things you can do from here:


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