Thursday, July 17, 2008

Is Your Milk Going Sour Faster? []

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via Consumerist by Ben Popken on 7/17/08

I hosted a shrinking product chat over at this morning and an interesting comment from someone in New Orleans came up about milk going bad:

Over the past two weeks, I have ended up with two gallons of milk, purchased at different stores from different dairies, that went bad before their expiration date. When we asked for a refund at the second store, the manager noted that they had gotten several complaints about sour milk lately, which was unusual for the store. The manager wondered whether truck drivers were turning up the thermometer on their refrigerator system or skipping it altogether to save gas...

I live in Brooklyn and a few months ago I myself started to notice my milk was going sour a lot faster too. As in, a matter of days. I thought our corner store was just being cheap. I've since switched to organic milk because it lasts for weeks. Has anyone else noticed this? If so, what part of the country are you in, what brand do you buy, and from what store?

(Illustration: wedgienet)


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