Monday, March 3, 2008

Claim Benefits In Airborne Class Action Lawsuit [Refunds]

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via Consumerist by Ben Popken on 3/3/08

airbornecough.jpgThe Airborne dietary supplement, which claims to help ward off the cold and flu, has reached a tentative settlement in a class action lawsuit that the company misrepresented its product. You can file online or by mail here. Boxes of Airborne used to cite a study by "GNG Pharmaceutical Services Inc" that said it tested 120 people and 47% showed little or no cold flu symptoms, versus 23% of a placebo. However, an ABC news investigation revealed that GNG was a two-man operation started up just to make the Airborne study, and had no clinic, scientists or doctors. Following the negative publicity, Knight-McDowell Labs removed references to the GNG study from its packages. Maybe people just weren't reading the box carefully and failed to apply directly to the forehead.


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