Sunday, October 28, 2007

Don't Eat Jellybeans At Albertson's Or You Will Be Arrested [Shoplifting]

i'm glad to see justice served here. what's up with people eating in the grocery store?


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via Consumerist by Carey Greenberg-Berger on 10/28/07

Fellonious%20Jellybeans.jpgA Florida man was arrested and charged with petty theft after eating $2 worth of jellybeans at a local Albertson's. The man was caught by surveillance cameras reaching into a bin and putting "an unspecified number of jelly beans in his mouth."

The deputy told a manager that the suspect had taken about 10 of the "raspberry-flavored" candies. The man denied taking more than two. He added that he'd been shopping at Albertson's for 30 years and that he was just trying the candy to see if he wanted to buy it. The deputy "advised him that Albertson's did not have free samples of candy and he should have known that if he had been shopping at Albertson's for 30 years."

The man didn't buy any of the candy.

The store manager on duty told the deputy that he wanted charges brought against the suspect, who was also issued a trespass warning.Another horrid criminal removed from our streets. Just because candy is in a bin doesn't make it free. Unless it's a Buttered Popcorn jellybean - we would kill for those.

Man arrested for eating jelly beans in store [Northwest Florida Daily News]
(Photo: SMN)


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