Saturday, February 16, 2008

Glass Baby Bottles Hit The Market To Answer Concerned Parents' Fears Of Plas...


Sent to you by David via Google Reader:


via Consumerist by Chris Walters on 2/15/08

con_worldscutestbaby.jpg Earlier this month, several consumer groups announced that heated plastic baby bottles leach bisphenol A "in amounts that were within the range shown to cause harm in animal studies." Now a reader writes in to tell us that companies are already starting to respond to the issue with announcements that they'll be releasing glass bottles in addition to plastic versions.

David writes, "I'd be interested to hear if Babies R Us and other retailers (or the bottle companies) would offer an exchange to concerned parents." Somehow we doubt that will happen unless there's an official plastic bottle recall in the future.

"Plastic baby bottles may pose danger" [MarketWatch]

Press Release: "Dr. Brown's New Glass, Polypropylene Bottles Provide More Options For Parents" [Dr. Brown's]
"Chemicals In Baby Products May Be Dangerous"
(Really cute baby photo: pfly)


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